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Expert Finder


Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

My role

Research: Analysis, Usability Test;
Design: Wireframe, Prototyping


Three designers
Three Developers


Enhancing the User Experience for Expert Discovery


How can Lilly's managers efficiently find suitable experts for their projects?

Eli Lilly & Company’s organization is comprised of many different elements, including research, medicines development, manufacturing, digital health, global services, and more. As such, there are immensely technical and knowledgeable resources who exist in and throughout the organization. The challenge is that people often have difficulty finding the resources they need for the technical components of their projects.

Prior research from the team at Eli Lilly, managers spend around 3 months due to back and forth communication between various teams searching for suitable experts on average. This amounts to a staggering 1,500 hours wasted every week across all managers. This inefficiency not only delays project timelines but also impacts overall productivity and innovation.

Solution Overview

  • Visualize Matching Scores
    Display matching levels by providing scores that indicate candidate suitability for positions.
  • Standardize Hiring Process
    Utilize job posting and interview templates to create a consistent hiring process.
  • Enhance Compatibility
    Improve candidate-position compatibility through endorsements from previous co-workers and managers.
  • Track Candidate Status
    Allow users to monitor each candidate's progress and the next steps needed.


60% reduction in time spent searching for experts.

40% increase in experts searching success rates.


Competitive Analysis

To explore potential design spaces, I analyzed competitors’ features, shortcomings and product flows.

Through analyzing industry leaders in project management tools such as SAP, Workday, Greenhouse and Linkedin, I recommended prioritizing efficient expert search and filtering, introducing recommendation system, and designing an intuitive, modular user interface to meet diverse business needs.


Contextual Inquiry Interviews

We wanted to discover the target audiences’ needs and pain points in the current management context, to understand who is involved in the process/ at what stage, and to discover the tools and methods that are used while making decisions.

So our team conducted 5 contextual inquiry interviews with target users.  

We ended up receiving around 100 raw data points and 3 insights. We started by grouping them into small groups, and then we once again clustered them into big groups. Then we created an Affinity Diagram, which helped us identify key insights and generate design ideas.

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Data Analysis

3 Key Insights
Based on all the information we gathered, we identified 3 main pain points that currently existing.


User Jouney Map

To fully understand the user experience, identify opportunities, and explore potential solutions, we created a user journey map. This map highlights painpoints and opportunities across different hiring phases. By visualizing each step, we identified critical areas for improvement and innovation.

Define Goals

Before diving into the design phase, we first established three strategies to address identified problems and guide our design solutions in the following stages. This approach ensured a seamless transition from research to design.


Brainstorming Potential Solutions

Then we brainstormed potential solutions based on the three key insights we gathered. This process allowed us to generate ideas that directly addressed the identified pain points and aligned with our strategic goals, ensuring that our design solutions were both relevant and effective.


Define Workflow

While brainstorming potential solutions, we also defined the entire user flow. This included setting up project requirements, generating expert suggestions with matching scores, and standardizing the recruitment process. Users can interact with potential experts, view detailed profiles, and assess endorsements. The system tracks candidate status, providing notifications for upcoming tasks. Post-project reviews are incorporated for continuous improvement, ensuring an efficient, user-friendly experience that enhances the expert matching process.


Feature #1
Match candidates with the project requirement

Matching score with candidates

By displaying matching scores for candidates, ensuring that managers can quickly and easily identify the most suitable experts for their projects.

Each expert is assigned a score based on how well their skills and experience align with the project requirements. This feature streamlines the selection process by providing a clear, quantitative measure of candidate suitability, allowing managers to make informed decisions efficiently.

By showcasing matching scores prominently, we address the need for quick, data-driven decision-making.
Feature #2

Template for job posting and interview

Standard hiring process
Providing standardized job posting templates to streamline the hiring process. These templates include pre-defined fields for essential information such as job title, responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. By using these templates, managers can ensure consistency and completeness in job postings, reducing the time spent on creating and reviewing job descriptions.

Additionally, the platform offers interview templates that help managers conduct structured and efficient interviews. These templates include standardized questions tailored to different roles and expertise levels, ensuring that all relevant aspects of a candidate's suitability are assessed. This feature enhances the overall hiring process by promoting consistency and thorough evaluation of all candidates.

Together, these templates address the need for standardization and efficiency, enabling managers to quickly create comprehensive job postings and conduct effective interviews.
Feature #3

Endorsement from previous co-workers

Trust-Based Design
Incorporating endorsements from previous co-workers and managers to provide a more comprehensive assessment of each candidate. These endorsements highlight key strengths, work habits, and specific contributions, offering valuable insights into the candidate’s performance and compatibility with the project team.

By leveraging endorsements, managers can make more informed decisions, ensuring that selected experts not only have the necessary skills but also a proven track record of effective collaboration and high performance. This feature significantly enhances the overall quality of the expert matching process.
Feature #4

Pipeline module for interview tracking

Standard hiring process
Including a robust pipeline module for tracking interviews, ensuring that managers have full visibility in the hiring process. This module allows users to monitor each candidate's progress through various stages, from initial contact to final decision.

Key features include:
Status Updates: Real-time updates on interview scheduling, feedback, and decisions.
Next Steps: Clear indications of upcoming actions required for each candidate.
Notifications: Automatic alerts for pending tasks and deadlines.

This module enhances organization and efficiency, making it easier for managers to track and manage candidate interactions and progress.


#1 Matching Score Panel
#2 Job posting template
#3 Endorsement display


We evaluated our designs through usability testing and surveys. The results were:

Task Completion

All participants successfully completed the assigned tasks with minimal difficulty. They were able to navigate candidate searching, job posting, checking endorsements, and tracking candidate status without encountering significant issues.

Ease of Use

All participants rated the platform as easy to use, giving it an average score of 4.6 out of 5. They found the platform to be intuitive and straightforward.


Participants found the platform's design to be simple and clean. They appreciated the appealing color scheme and easy-to-read font.

Overall Satisfaction

Overall, participants expressed satisfaction with their experience on the platform. They found it user-friendly and appreciated the convenience of being able to find internal experts easily.